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To provide additional information 2 led are installed a green led (at Pin GPIO B/SPI CLK) and a red led (at Pin GPIO A/SPI MISO).


The Sprinkler systems has serveral operation modes:

  • SPRINKLER_NO_CONNECTION  = -1 -- no connection possible with device
  • SPRINKLER_MODE_NOT_INIT   = 0 -- not initialised (fast blink RED and fast bilnk GREEN)
  • SPRINKLER_MODE_BLOCK  = 1  -- Not sprinkler possible block pump valve (RED on and GREEN off)
  • SPRINKLER_MODE_MANUAL   = 2  -- Manual sprinkling  (blink RED and GREEN off)
  • SPRINKLER_MODE_NORMAL  = 3 Normal sprinkling = AUTO (RED off and GREEN off)
  • SPRINKLER_MODE_WET  = 4  -- Wet period no spray required (RED off and GREEN off)
  • SPRINKLER_MODE_SPRAY_TODAY = 5  -- We will spray today (RED off and blink GREEN )
  • SPRINKLER_MODE_SPRAY_SKIPPED  = 6  -- We did miss out spray slot today (RED off and fast blink GREEN)
  • SPRINKLER_MODE_SPRAYING_DONE  = 7 -- We did spray today (RED off and GREEN on)
  • SPRINKLER_MODE_SPRAYING_STOPPED   = 8  -- We interrupted spraying today (RED off and fast blink GREEN)
  • SPRINKLER_MODE_SPRAY_ADVICE   = 9 -- Manual mode, but spraying is adviced (blink RED and fast blink GREEN)
  • SPRINKLER_MODE_ERROR  = 10 -- Some kind off error (RED and GREEN toggle)